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Texas A&M University

Student/Postdoc Working Geometry Seminar

The seminar meets Mondays at 5pm in Blocker 628.

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LocationSpeaker Title click for abstract
iCal 01/13
BLOC 302 JM Landsberg Introduction to sheaves and sheaf cohomology
iCal 01/27
BLOC 302 JM Landsberg
Texas A&M
Modules over the polynomial ring and sheaves on projective space: the dictionary and examples
iCal 02/10
BLOC 302 T. Mandziuk Introduction to spectral sequences (following Griffiths-Harris)
iCal 02/17
BLOC 302 T. Mandziuk
Texas A&M
Introduction to spectral sequences cont'd
iCal 02/24
BLOC 302 Derek Wu
Texas A&M
Hypercohomology (following Griffiths-Harris)