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Texas A&M University

Applied Math Seminar

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LocationSpeaker Title click for abstract
iCal 02/03
Zoom Peter Miller
University of Michigan
Universality in the Small-Dispersion Limit of the Benjamin-Ono Equation
iCal 02/17
Zoom: https://ta Andrea Bertozzi
High-throughput optimization of DNA-aptamer secondary structure for classification and machine learning intepretability
iCal 03/03
Zoom Michael Siegel
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
A fast mesh-free boundary integral method for two-phase flow with soluble surfactant
iCal 03/24
Zoom Andre Nachbin
WPI, Worcester, MA
Water waves on graphs
iCal 03/31
Zoom Dimitris Papageorgiou
Imperial College, London
iCal 04/14
BLOC 628 John Lowengrub
UC Irvine
iCal 04/21
BLOC 628 Todd Arbogast
UT, Austin
iCal 04/28
Zoom Christoph Borgers
Tufts University, Medford, MA
The yard-sale convergence theorem


Fall 2008

The organizer for this seminar is Prabir Daripa
