Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar
The current seminar's organizers are
Chun-Hung Liu and
Youngho Yoo.
Date Time |
Location | Speaker |
Title – click for abstract |
01/24 3:00pm |
BLOC 302 |
Frank Sottile TAMU |
The phase limit set of linear spaces and discriminants
As an amoeba is the set of lengths of points in a variety, its coamoeba is the set of angles (arguments) of its points. The set of limiting arguments
forms its phase limit set. This combinatorial backbone of the coamoeba reflects the structure of the corresponding tropical variety. We give a
recursive description of the phase limit set of a linear space/hyperplane complement in terms of the flats of the hyperplane arrangement. We use
this to study the phase limit set of a reduced discriminant, showing that it is a union of prisms over discriminants of lower dimension. We
conjecture that in dimension at least three the discriminant is a subset of its phase limit set, which implies that that coamoeba discriminant has a
polyhedral structure. |
01/31 3:00pm |
BLOC 302 |
Youngho Yoo TAMU |
Structure in group-labelled graphs and its applications
Group-labelled graphs provide a unified framework that can encode many natural graph constraints. I will present recent work on the structure of unoriented group-labelled graphs that led to the resolution of two problems on modularity constraints, each of which had been open for over 30 years. The first, studied by Arkin, Papadimitriou, and Yannakakis in 1991, is on the existence of a polynomial time algorithm to detect cycles of length L modulo M; we settle this affirmatively for all L and M. The second, posed by Dejter and Neumann-Lara in 1987, is on an approximate packing-covering duality of cycles of length L modulo M; we settle this by characterizing the topological obstructions to this duality. Our results are proved in the general setting of group-labelled graphs and have further applications beyond modularity constraints. |
02/21 3:00pm |
BLOC 302 |
Chun-Hung Liu TAMU |
02/28 3:00pm |
BLOC 302 |
Colleen Robichaux UCLA |
Positivity of Schubert coefficients
Schubert coefficients are nonnegative integers that arise in Algebraic Geometry and play a central role in Algebraic Combinatorics. It is a major open problem whether they have a combinatorial interpretation, i.e., they are in #P. In this talk we discuss the closely related problem of the positivity of Schubert coefficients. We prove a positive rule for this problem based on two standard assumptions. |
03/21 3:00pm |
BLOC 302 |
Jordy Lopez Garcia TAMU |
03/28 3:00pm |
BLOC 302 |
Shixuan Zhang TAMU |
04/04 3:00pm |
Xingting Wang Louisiana State University |
Finite Generation of Integer Points in Nonpolyhedral Cones |
04/11 3:00pm |
Colloquium by Victor Reiner |
04/12 00:00am |
CombinaTexas |
04/13 00:00am |
CombinaTexas |